Monday, April 28, 2014

Lesson 194--a bunch of expression using "under"

Most of my students seem to know the phrase "under the table" and mostly correct when they use it.  It got me thinking that there are quite a few "under" expressions that they should know.  So I have picked a few that I like.

Under pressure/Under the gun:  These are both used in situations when there is a lot of pressure on you to do something, complete something, or in the case of sports, perform at a very critical time.

Under your breath:  When you say something (usually bad) but you don't want the person to hear. Example:  He swore under his breath but the teacher heard him and sent him to the principal's office.

Under the wire:  When you complete something just in time. Example:  His project was due on Friday by 5:00.  He got it done just under the wire.

Under the radar:  If you try to do something without letting other people know, you are doing it under the radar.


  1. The expression "Under the wire" is really useful for me! I will use it, thanks Anthony

  2. Thanks for your comments. I hope these expressions are good for everyone. Remember, try them.

  3. The meaning of expression "Under the breath" is different from what I thought.
    I learned another good phrase from you.
    Thank you~~
