Showing posts with label winter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label winter. Show all posts

Monday, December 29, 2014

Lesson 292--Talking About Winter

For many of my students, experiencing winter in Canada was one interesting experience that they will probably never forget.  I would just like to give them some phrases they can use when talking about the cold weather and winter in general.

When you enter a house or apartment and you want to explain it was snowing outside,  use this phrase.

It's really coming down out here/there!

If you want to make friends at the bus stop, use this phrase.

It's so cold I can see my breath.

My feet are freezing!

I can't wait for summer.

I wish I were on a beach somewhere.....anywhere but here.

I can't feel my toes.

Friday, December 27, 2013

Lesson 143--Winter Vocabulary

Winter is truly upon us, so we had better learn the vocabulary to deal with it.  I have added pictures to make it easier.


icicles--the sometimes jagged and cone shaped ice formations that drip from eaves troughs and other parts of buildings

slush--the ugly, half melted snow that builds up beside the road.

snow fort--usually a child built wall hoping to protect them in a snowball fight.

snow balls--just like it sounds, balls made of snow.  The preferred weapons in a winter fight.

snowshoes--shoes that make it easy to walk across snow for long distances. 


Monday, December 23, 2013

Lesson 141--A Snowball's Chance in Hell

There are some great expressions which have a winter theme.  Today I present one of them to you.


A snowball's chance in hell.

Basically this means it is impossible, or very very very unlikely.


Will Timothy win?
He's got a snowball's chance in hell.