Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Lesson 100--Taste (uses and forms)

the verb taste

taste as a transitive verb is for the act of tasting.

e.g.      Let me taste the wine.
            I can taste the salt, but not the pepper in this dish.


taste can also be used to describe the taste of something.

It is followed by an adjective.

e.g.      It tastes nice
            It tastes funny, maybe it has gone off.
            It tastes terrible

 When followed by a noun, we need to use either like or of

e.g.      It tastes like a mix of strawberries and bananas.
            It tastes of saffron.

taste can also be used as a noun.

e.g.      I can't identify the taste.  Maybe, it's cucumber.

taste also can be used to explain someone's preferences in music, fashion, design etc.

e.g.      His taste in music leans toward the blues.
            His taste isn't as good as his wife's.
            They have no taste in art.
            We don't have the same taste in cars.

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