Monday, October 27, 2014

Lesson 271--fit

It fits together like a jigsaw puzzle

Both Monday and Wednesday's lessons are somewhat related.  Make sure to check both of them.

Today's word is fit

fit: verb

The bike fits in the car (A Honda Fit)
meaning 1: to match your size.

The jacket fits you perfectly.
The shoes don't fit.  I need a bigger size.
The key doesn't fit in the hole.

meaning 2: to match plans or open space in a schedule (with into)

The movie debut doesn't fit into my plans.
Gracie couldn't fit another appointment into her busy schedule.

fit: adjective

meaning: to be in good shape
She is fit

Jackie is very fit because she goes to the gym and she jogs regularly.
Dennis isn't fit enough to run the marathon.


  1. Now I had another basic doubt: does and doesn't. I got totally confused with these phrases! Oh >_<

    1. I replied, but you need to read the message below.

  2. I want to help you with this one, but I am a little unclear. What confuses you about does and doesn't?

  3. Actually it wa smy mistake, sorry. I meant I got a doubt about when to use don't or doesn't. D: It haunts me everytime.
