Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Lesson 304--People You Shouldn't Drive With

Here is a short list of people you don't want to drive with.
A Backseat driver:  someone who criticizes your driving or tells you how to drive.  They don't have to be sitting in the backseat.  They might be in the passenger seat.  This is considered a negative word.
A Nervous Nelly:  someone who is nervous when they are a passenger in the car.  They seem tense and stamp on the floor as if to press a brake pedal.
A bad navigator:  someone who can't read a map and/or can't give instructions on how to get someplace.
A Pit-stop Paul:  someone who can't drive for too long without needing to go to the washroom.
A Stereo-searcher:  someone who is constantly fiddling with the radio.  They might be trying to find the perfect song, or they might be constantly adjusting the volume, bass or treble.

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