Monday, March 16, 2015

Lesson 320--Reflexive Verbs

One of my students said the sentence

"We met ourselves yesterday." (wrong)

I had to explain that such a thing was quite impossible.  We would probably say, "We met one another yesterday."  or "We ran into one another yesterday."

This got me thinking about reflexive verbs.  There aren't so many in English because not all verbs are reflexive.

Here is a partial list

  1. taught
  2. introduce
  3. kill
  4. talk to
  5. proud of
  6. be angry at
  7. enjoy
  8. laugh at
  9. promise
  10. be proud of
  11. entertain
  12. feel sorry for


I was angry at myself for making such a silly mistake.

Jimmy nearly killed himself when he was playing with his father's gun.

I promised my self that I would lose weight by Christmas.

Melissa introduced herself to everyone.

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