Useful Verbs: Cram
meaning: to fill
completely, to overfill (both for physical space, mental space and time)
often this does not mean carefully filling, but quickly,
squeezing everything in.
I crammed all the luggage into the trunk and left for the
I crammed all my clothes into my suitcase before my trip.
He had crammed so much stuff into the cupboard that I
couldn't close the door.
I am going to cram two weeks worth of sightseeing into three
Because my vacation is short, I am going to have to cram
everything in.
mental space (often used when studying for an exam)
I have to cram tonight because the exam is tomorrow.
I have crammed the definition of every word into my brain.
useful synonyms:
jam packed (adjective)
example: My day is jam packed with fun.