Monday, September 16, 2013

Lesson 99--Working Hard

Since I am sure all of you work/study hard, you could probably use some expressions to describe to people how hard you are working.  All of these phrases express the idea that you are working hard.


busting my ass/hump (on something)

working like a dog (on something)

putting my shoulder to the grindstone

slaving over (something)

burning the midnight oil (this one is a little old, but you might hear it in movies.


I am really busting my ass on this report.
Jim is working like a dog at the factory.
He's going to have to put his shoulder to the grindstone if he wants to finish on time.
I slaved over dinner to make it perfect for our anniversary.
To complete the project, Manuel had to burn the midnight oil.


  1. I'd always heard it as "keep your nose to the grindstone."

    "Burn the midnight oil" is not used nearly enough these days. Love that phrase.

  2. I have heard that one too and should have included it.

    Thanks for the input.
