Friday, May 30, 2014

Lesson 208-Recommend

It seems like my students have a lot of trouble using the verb recommend.  Pay attention to the pattern in the following two sentences.

  1. I recommend David come to class on time.
  2. I recommend coming to class on time.

Notice that the preposition to is not used in this structure.  Also notice in sentence 1, we use the base form of the verb, and when we do not include a person (sentence 2) we follow recommend with a gerund.

More examples

I recommend John quit smoking.
Jin's teacher recommends coming to class on time.
Anthony recommended that Mingi attend A class.

If you want to use the noun (recommendation) you can use these model sentences.  Pay attention to the collocations.

My recommendation is the beer from Unibroue.
I would like to make a recommendation.

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