Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Lesson 255--Using THE

There seems to be confusion about when to use the

I cannot possibly write down everything, but I will give you some useful information to start with.

We use the for words that relate to our environment.  These include:

the sunshine
the future
the weather
the fog
the night
the rain
the wind
the universe
the mountains
the country
the town
the sea
the seaside
the earth
the stars
the sun
the moon
the world
the planets


  1. I went to the school
    I went to school? "the" is one of my biggest problems!

    1. I went to school
      This means that I was a student, or I studied. I went to school in Toronto.
      I went to the school
      This means that I went to the physical location, maybe to visit someone, or get some information.
      I went to the school to pick up the children.

    2. I will try and do some more "the" sentences in the next few blogs.
