Friday, May 8, 2015

Lesson 343--working out the kinks

work out the kinks (after running into some kinks)***
Another great English phrase is "work out the kinks."
This can mean, straighten something like a chain, or your spine.
The chain was tangled and took Andrew almost an hour to work out all the kinks.
Debbie went to a massage specialist to work out all the kinks in her neck.
This can also mean to fix the problems in a plan or process.
While planning their vacation Mary and Scott ran into a few kinks.  Fortunately, they were able to work them out before the departure date.
Everything was set for Jim and Dorothy's second honeymoon when they ran into a few kinks.  Their flight was cancelled unexpectedly and the hotel they had booked went bankrupt.  They couldn't work out the kinks and had to postpone the whole thing.
***I have heard people say iron out the kinks.

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