Friday, February 21, 2014

Lesson 167--skipping class

Several of my students did not show up for class today.  This got me thinking about expressions we can use in this situation.

to play hooky
to cut class

Both of these expressions are old, and not very common today.  However, you might hear them in older television shows or movies.

The more modern/up to date expression is:  skip class

example:          I skipped class yesterday to got to a concert.
                        Bobs wants to skip class on Friday to have a long weekend.


For those of you who don't go to school, but want a similar expression you can use on your job, the following phrase will be useful.

call in sick

example:          I called in sick so I could go to the concert.
                        The boss was angry because people always called in sick on Friday.


  1. Good! Very useful... I didn't know this modern way to say.

  2. I have never called in sick honestly~

  3. I think, to make your sentence more dramatic, you should write it like this.
    I have never called in sick.....honestly.
